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Calle Brasil 1 Duplicado. Bajo,
41013 - Sevilla. España


(+34) 955 083 008



Travel Insurance, pick yours today!

When you decide to organize a trip, don’t forget to that there are unforeseen events such as illness, loss of luggage, theft, etc., that can ruin your trip. To ensure you greater peace of mind, it is essential to have a good travel insurance. To ensure you greater peace of mind, it is essential to have a good travel insurance.

At Easy-Go, Travel Insurance, you can find the insurance that best suits your needs. We are specialized in students who go abroad to do a language course, school exchanges, Erasmus, Masters, internships with companies, Au Pair, etc. We also offer vacational insurances. 

First and foremost, you must ensure you are covered because during Erasmus, thousands of things can happen to you. That is why it is important to have a good travel insurance for Erasmus so you can enjoy the whole experience without setbacks.

Basic Insurance

Up to 6.00 euros in medical expenses!

Plus insurance

Up to 60.00 euros in medical expenses!

Premium Insurance

With this insurance, you have unlimited medical expenses!

Are you coming to Spain to study? Remember that if the stay is longer than 3 months, you must do so with a medical insurance to have the study visa. We offer you the best option for the best price. Find out by clicking on the following link.

And if you go on vacations……

Vacation insurance

Up to 100.000 euros in medical expenses !

Cruise Insurance

If you are planning on doing a cruise trip, this is your insurance

Insurance cancellation

If at the end you cannot travel, this insurance will save your life

Why take out your travel insurance with Easy-go?

17 years of experience

Issue your travel insurance quickly and safely

Foreign travel specialists

You choose your most suitable insurance

Competitive prices

All of our clients recommend us

Fast and effective

Receive your policy in the mail in less than 24 hours

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Contact us and find out about your travel insurance!

Easy-Go travel insurance is what you are looking for